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1671 a cause depending in Chancery betweene John Halfhead p.lt and Joseph Edloe defend.t on the behalfe of the said p.lt as followeth Hugh Hopewell of Sackawit in Patuxent planter aged fifty seaven yeares or thereabouts, being sworne and Examined Deposeth and saith as followeth 1 And to the first Interogatory he saith that he very well Knoweth the partyes p.lt and Defend.t in the Title in the Interogatoryes mentioned 2 To the second Interogatory this Deponent saith, that he Knew Barnaby Edloe in the Interogatory named but when he dyed or of what age he was at the time of his death this Deponent cannot Depose in satisffactiuon of the rest of the Interogatory 3 To the third Interogatory this Deponent saith that the said Barnaby Edloe was as this Deponent beleeve the Eldest sonne of the said Joseph Edloe Deceased living at the time of the said Joseph Edloes Death, this Deponent never hearing of any other, and further to this Interogatory this Depon.t Cannot Depose 4 To the 4.th Interogatory this Depon.t cannot Depose Hugh Hopewell William Asbeston of St Michaells Hundred in St Maryes County planter aged 43 yeares or thereabouts sworne and Examined deposeth and saith as followeth 1 To the first Interogatory he saith he Knoweth the partyes p.lt and defend.t in this suite 2 To the Second Interogatory this Dep.t saith that he Knew Barnaby Edloe deceased in the Interogatory named but when he dyed or what age he was then of this Deponent cannot Depose, But this much he saith that he doth certenly Know that if the said Barnaby had beene living at this time he would have betweene five and Twenty or six and Twenty yeares of age, and more saith not to this Interogatory 3 That the said Barnaby Edloe was Eldest sonne of the said Joseph Edloe deceased, and more saith not to this Interogatory 4 To the fourth Interogatory this Dep.t cannot depose William Asbiston March the 6.th 1670 At a Speciall Court held at Matapany out Present Charles Calvert Governo.r William Talbot Secretary Philip Calvert Chancelour Baker Brooke Esq Upon the peticion of Hugh Hopewell to amend his Deposition taken in Chancery in the cause depending betweene John Halfhead p.lt and Joseph Edloe defend.t Ordered that the said Hopewell have license and Doe amend his Depositions taken in the said Cause upon the Record now Extant in the office at St Maryes Signed p me Will Brooke Clerke The Deposition of Hugh Hopewell aged sixty yeares or thereabouts being sworne saith That Barnaby Edloe sonne of Joseph Edloe deceased if he had lived untill this p.rsent time (to the best of this Deponents Knowledge) would have beene about Eight and Twenty yeares of age, and further this Depon.t saith not Sworne before me the 10.th of July 1674 Hugh Hopewell Robert Ridgely Exam Canc |
Volume 748, Page 22 View pdf image |
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