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Session Laws, 1983, June Special Session
Volume 746, Page 86   View pdf image
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66                                          JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS                                 June 21 6.  Department of Health and Mental Hygiene: COMAR 10.22.07 Proposed amendments to regulations setting out the
Fundamental Rights of the Mentally Retarded, published on
May 13, 1983, were held up on the basis of two concerns.
First, the introductory paragraph implied that the
regulations went further than statutory authority provided.
Secondly, the regulations permitted a mentally retarded
individual to agree to perform services for a facility of
the mentally retarded without provision for consultation or
approval by the parent or guardian. Following assurances on
May 24 by the Department Regulations Coordinator that both
concerns would be addressed before formal adoption of the
regulations, the AELR Committee on May 25 withdrew its
objections to formal adoption. 7.  Department of Health and Mental Hygiene: COMAR 10.17.02 Proposed regulations COMAR 10.17.02, published April 1,   1983, repeal in their entirety current 10.17.02
"Individual Water Supply and Sewage Disposal Systems for
Homes and Other Establishments in the Counties of Maryland
where Public Water Supply and Sewage Systems are not
Available" and substitute new "Sewage Disposal Systems for
Homes and other Establishments in the Counties of Maryland
Where a Public Sewerage System its not Available". The new
regulations permit the Eastern Shore Counties to penetrate
groundwaters and to use alternative methods of on-site
disposal. Hearing was held June 7, 1983; AELR Committee
approval is pending, but probably forthcoming. 8.  Department of Natural Resources: COMAR 08.02.03 The referenced regulation, published December 23,
1982, repealed effective February 18, 1983, existing
restrictions on possessing, transporting, packing, or
catching egg-bearing female crabs. At the request of the
AELR Committee, DNR held additional hearings June 1 and June 2,  and reported back to the AELR Committee on those hearings
on June 7, 1983. DNR reported that there is difficulty in enforcing the
regulations at the main processing plant in Crisfield
because there is no reciprocal restrictions on the catching
of egg-bearing female crabs in Virginia waters. DNR further
told the Committee that there is no particular crab
shortage in the Bay at this time. DNR intends not to rescind the repeal of the
regulations, but will present the question of sponge crab
preservation to the interstate Chesapeake Bay Commission in
the near future. The AELR Committee agreed to this approach
on June 7, 1983.
9. Department of Health and Mental Hygiene: COMAR 10.43.02

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Session Laws, 1983, June Special Session
Volume 746, Page 86   View pdf image
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