some better estimate of the costs of the competency
examinations than the estimate of costs provided the Budget
and Taxation Committee by DOE during the 1983 Session. Dr.
Hornbeck indicated that the standardized tests would cost
about $1.50 per pupil; the writing test about $3.00 per
pupil. The Committee authorized DOE to adopt the
regulations for Project Basic, subject to the proviso that
DOE would closely monitor costs. DOE adopted the Project
Basic regulations on May 25, 1983.
3. Department of Health and Mental Hygiene: Certification
of Alcoholism, and Alcohol Abuse Facilities
Prior to May 6, 1983, draft regulations concerning the
certification of alcoholism and alcohol abuse facilities
were apparently being used by DHMH staff in evaluating and
inspecting facilities. The draft regulations had not yet
been published as proposed regulations.
The Committee advised the Alcoholism Control
Administration on April 28, 1983 that such a use of draft
regulations is clearly inappropriate. On May 6, 1983, the
Committee received correspondence from the Alcoholism
Control Administration promising that the use of the draft
regulations to evaluate facilities will cease until the
regulations are formally adopted.
4. Anne Arundel County School System - School Bus
In April, the AELR Committee was made aware that the
Anne Arundel. County School System and several other school
systems had adopted "specifications" for school bus
standards. In light of the Committee's finding that the
Motor Vehicle Administration, and not the Department of
Education, has the authority to promulgate school bus
construction regulations, the Committee referred the County
specifications to the Attorney General with an inquiry
concerning the authority of the County systems to adopt such
"specifications". Receipt of the advice of the Attorney
General is expected by the end of June.
5. Department of Health and Mental Hygiene: COMAR &
Proposed amendments to the regulations setting out the
General Emissions New Source Performance Standards were
published on April 1, 1983. The Committee held up adoption
of the regulations by the State Air Management
Administration until the AMA was able to convince the
Committee that the amendments are necessary for conformity
with Federal Environmental Protection Agency Standards. On
May 27, the Committee approved formal adoption of the
N.S.P.S Regulations.