June 21
Emergency regulations require confirmed cases of
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) to be reported to
the State Health Officer immediately by telephone. The
regulations were approved June 17, 1983 for 120 days,
beginning June 21, 1983.
11. Department of Health and Mental Hygiene: COMAR
10.09.10 and 10.09.11
Emergency regulations provide for the reimbursement of
user fees assessed to nursing facilities and for
reimbursement of the Medicaid portion of license fees
assessed to the Division of Licensing and Certification
under the Medical Assistance Program. The regulations are
currently under study by the Committee, with the Committee
due to consider authorization on June 23.
12. Licensing and Regulation: Real Estate
Commission: COMAR 09.11.01
The Commission has requested the Committee to continue
for 2 months emergency authorization for regulations due to
expire August 1, 1983 dealing with the Real Estate
Conservation Program in Baltimore City. The new expiration
date would be October 31, 1983. The Commission wishes to
keep current Real Estate Conservation Areas in effect while
they study the redrafting of Conservation areas.
1. Department of Health and Mental Hygiene: COMAR
Existing regulations, adopted in August 1981,
requiring a minimum yield test for domestic wells, were
again the subject of hearing by the AELR Committee on May
24. The area of dispute involves the granting of variances
to the yield testing rule in the Frederick County area and
the opinion of some Frederick County officials and home
builders that the Frederick County health department is
loathe to grant variances. The Frederick County
Commissioners are currently refusing to enforce the yield
test regulations.
The yield test regulations, which were also a matter
of study by a House Environmental Matters subcommittee on
May 31, are still under study by the AELR Committee with an
update due later this summer.
2. Department of Education: COMAR 13A.03.01.04
Proposed regulations setting up "Project Basic"
Competency Prerequisites for Graduation - were published in
March 18, 1983. Hearing was held May 24, 1983 to determine