2. They permit registered nurses to render case
management only if the local health department, public
profit or non profit agencies, or physician providers
are not available. In the past, registered nurses
were the available option if the local health
department could not provide services;
3. They eliminate the open bid process for obtaining
case management;
4. They limit registered nurses to 50 active cases,
unless written authorization is obtained from the
5. They impose a heretofore nonexistant maximum
monthly fee for case management of $35.00.
Hearing was held June 7, 1983, at which time DHMH agreed to:
(1) eliminate the provision making registered nurses the
last case option as providers in the emergency regulation;
and (2) study the role of physician providers and the need
for a maximum case load limit before adopting the final
version of the formal regulations. Under these conditions,
the emergency regulations were approved for 120 days,
effective July 1, 1983.
7. Department of Education: COMAR 13A.06.07.03
Emergency regulations repeal certain school bus
specifications which the AELR Committee determined DOE had
promulgated without statutory authority. The repeal was
approved and effective May 10, 1983.
8. Motor Vehicle Administration: COMAR 11.19.02
Emergency regulations set out construction standards
for school buses, filling the gap created by the repeal of
the DOE regulations (See #7, above). The regulations are
emergency because the school systems need to proceed
immediately in contracting to purchase buses for the coming
school year. The regulations have not been approved and are
scheduled for hearing July 5.
9. Department of Natural Resources: COMAR 08.04.04
Emergency regulations replace buoy markings for
delineating the 6 knot speed limit areas with longitude and
latitude markings and fixed points of land. The regulations
are necessary in light of the Coast Guard's practice of
moving, removing, and changing the numbers on buoys in the
Chesapeake Bay. As of June 15, 1983, the regulations were
under study by the Committee and had not been approved.
10. Department of Health and Mental Hygiene: COMAR