June 21
Delegate Miedusiewski of Baltimore City seconded the motion.
The motion was adopted.
Delegate Kernan was elected unanimously.
The Chief Clerk appointed Delegate Staab of the 7th District
of Baltimore County and Delegate Hughes of the 9th District of
Baltimore County to escort the Speaker Pro Tem to the rostrom.
The Speaker Pro Tern was sworn in by Jacqueline M. Spell, the
Chief Clerk of the House of Delegates.
The Chair called for nominations for Speaker of the House of
Delegates for the Special Session of the Maryland General
Assembly for 1983.
Delegate Paul E. Weisengoff of Baltimore City nominated
Benjamin L. Cardin of Baltimore City for Speaker of the House.
Delegate Donald B. Robertson of Montgomery County seconded
the nomination.
Delegate Robert R. Neall of Anne Arundel County moved the
nominations be closed for the purpose of electing Delegate Cardin
as Speaker by acclamation.
Delegate Lev/is R. Riley of Wicomico County seconded.
The motion prevailed.
The Speaker of the House is Delegate Benjamin L. Cardin.
The Speaker-elect of the House of Delegates was escorted to
the rostrum by Delegate Donald B. Robertson of Montgomery County
and Delegate Robert R. Neall of Anne Arundel County.
The Speaker Pro Tern administered the oath of office to the
Honorable Benjamin L. Cardin, Speaker of the House.
The Speaker welcomed the members to Annapolis.
The Speaker excused the following members from today's
session: Delegates Toth, Perkins, Klima, Rehrmann.
June 21, 1983
By the Speaker of the House:
RESOLVED, That the Honorable Donald B. Robertson of
Montgomery County be appointed as Majority Floor Leader and the