Annapolis, Maryland
June 21, 1983
10:00 A.M.
State of Maryland, To Wit:
This being the day prescribed by proclamation of the
Governor in accordance with Section 16 of Article II and Section
14 of Article III of the Constitution for the Special and
Extraordinary meeting of the General Assembly of Maryland at
10:00 A.M.
Jacqueline M. Spell, Chief Clerk of the House of Delegates
for the 1983 Special Session, called the House to order.
Prayer was offered by Delegate American Joe Miedusiewski of
Baltimore City District 46.
Upon the call of the roll by the Reading Clerk, the
following members answered to their names:
Delegates -
Parlett, Bell, Slade, Mitchell, Astle, Hagner, Kramer,
Jimeno, Kolodziejski, Leopold, Athey, Scannello, Schmincke, Gary,
Neall, Smith, Rymer, Linton, LaMotte, Collins, Connelly, Weir,
Arnick, DePazzo, Staab, Bartenfelder, Burgess, Hughes, D.,
Kernan, Chamberlain, Kach, Sauerbrey, Alperstein, Hollinger,
Levin, Masters, Morsberger, Murphy, N., Horne, Long, D., Colburn,
Murray, Guns, Maloney, Menes, Mooney, Palumbo, Pesci, Devlin,
Pitkin, Ryan, Exum, Santangelo, Woods, Donaldson, Perry, Wynn,
Jones, Patterson, Rummage, McCaffrey, Vallario, Alexander,
Ashley, Pilchard, McClellan, Morningstar, Hattery, Littrell, Cox,
Kreamer, Clark, Lutz, Cummings, Kirk, Young, Adams, Hughes, R.,
Rawlings, Murphy, M., Oaks, Phillips, Campbell, Cardin,
Rosenberg, Curran, Hergenroeder, Muth, Anderson, C, McCoy,
Davis, Douglass, Harrison, DiPietro, Dypski, Miedusiewski, Avara,
Weisengoff, Callas, Munson, Chasnoff, Counihan, Hyatt, Goldwater,
Kopp, Morella, Boergers, Forehand, Gordon, Koss, Robertson, Sher,
Garrott, Maurer, Owens, Hixson, Kirchenbauer, Ruben, Finan,
Taylor, Harchenhorn, Dixon, Matthews, Thomas, Sevan, Buswell,
Kasemeyer, Kittleman, Johnson, Riley, Edwards. Total - 131
Members having answered to their names, the Chief Clerk
announced that a majority of all members elected being present,
the House was ready under the provisions of the Constitution to
proceed with business.
Delegate Hughes of Baltimore County nominated Delegate
Kernan of Baltimore County for the office of Speaker Pro Tern.
Delegate Sher of Montgomery County seconded the nomination.
Delegate Staab of Baltimore County moved the nominations be
closed and that he be declared elected by acclamation.