Honorable Robert R. Neall of Anne Arundel County be appointed as
Minority Floor Leader.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Chairmen of the Standing
Committees within the House of Delegates be:
Appropriations: The Hon. R. Clayton Mitchell of the 36th
Legislative District.
Constitutional and Administrative Law: The Hon. Helen L. Koss of
Montgomery County.
Economic Matters: The Hon. Frederick C. Rummage of Prince
George's County.
Environmental Matters: The Hon. Larry Young of Baltimore City.
Judiciary: The Hon. Joseph E. Owens of Montgomery County.
Ways and Means: The Hon. Tyras S. Athey of Anne Arundel County.
Rules and Executive Nominations: The Hon. Hattie N. Harrison of
Baltimore City.
Committee on Protocol: The Hon. Anthony M. DiPietro, Jr., of
Baltimore City.
Committee on Investigation: The Hon. Richard A. Palumbo of
Prince George's County.
Consent Calendar: The Hon. Donald B. Robertson of Montgomery
By Order,
Jacqueline M. Spell
Chief Clerk
Read and ordered journalized.
June 21, 1983
By The Speaker of the House:
RESOLVED, That the Honorable Thomas A. Rymer of Calvert
County be appointed as Majority Whip; That the Honorable William
H. Cox, Jr. of Harford County be appointed Deputy Majority Floor
Leader; That the Honorable William J. Burgess of Baltimore
County be appointed Deputy Majority Whip; and that the Honorable
Lewis R. Riley of Wicomico County be appointed Minority Whip.
By Order,
Jacqueline M. Spell