The Volunteer Council, shall be charged with, but shall not
be limited to, the following functions and responsibilities:
(1) Assess current volunteer efforts in the State of
Maryland to determine present contribution of
individuals, non-profit organizations and the business
(2) Assess current use of volunteers in state government,
including the effectiveness of use in terms of the
quality of service as well as the monetary saving to
the State;
(3) Recommend policies governing utilization of volunteers
in State agencies and programs;
(4) Identify major areas of concern in government agencies
wherein volunteer projects can be developed and where
private sector involvement can be of assistance;
(5) Recommend to State Government the needs or services
which can be provided by encouraging private sector
participation with State Government, identify
impediments to this private sector involvement and
make appropriate recommendations for the elimination
of these impediments to the Governor;
(6) Develop guidelines for private sector initiatives and
make recommendations to State Government on ways to
encourage participation by both the business sector
and private, non-profit organizations;
(7) Assist subdivisions and regions of the State to
identify, encourage and develop appropriate
collaborative projects and programs between private
and public sectors;
(8) Serve as a catalyst throughout the State to encourage
these programs and projects and provide technical
assistance and guidance when appropriate;
(9) Promote volunteering throughout the State;
(10) Assess training opportunities for volunteers and make
recommendations, as appropriate;
(11) Encourage volunteering among our youth through special
programs and projects;