1982, the Department has determined that additional
administrative changes are necessary in order to increase the
managerial effectiveness and efficiency of SSA. Therefore, in
accordance with Article 41 § 15CB of the Annotated Code, the
following organization of SSA is proposed.
The five offices described above would be retained.
However, the name of the Office of Day Care would be changed to
the Office of Day Care and Special Projects. Refugee Affairs and
Legal Services would be transferred from Adult and Family
Services to this renamed office (Office of Day Care and Special
Projects). Within this same organizational unit the day care
specialists for licensing and policy assessment and training
would report to the program manager for day care. Previously
they reported to the Director of the Office of Day Care.
Within the Adult and Family Services Program, five program
manager positions reporting to the Director of Adult and Family
Services would be established. Those program manager positions
are: Adult Protective Services, Family Services, In-Home Aide
Services, Single Parent Services and Social Services to Adults.
Formerly all these programs were organizationally responsible to
either the adult services program manager or the family services
program manager. The position of program manager for Certified
Adult Residential Environment remains unchanged.
This plan also proposes to transfer the Personnel Officer
from the Office of Administrative Support to Office of Program
Support. Specifically, it is proposed that the personnel officer
report to the Chief of Training and Personnel, a unit which has
been renamed to accommodate this new function.
Finally, administrative positions have been added to the
Office of the Executive Director (an Executive Assistant), the
Office of Adult and Family Services (an Administrative Assistant)
and the Office of Administrative Support (an Administrative
Approval is sought solely on the revised SSA structure. It
is clearly understood by the Department that your approval is not
a commitment for additional positions or reclassifications. We
understand that any such positions must proceed through the
regular DOP and DBFP processes.
The plan has been reviewed and approved by the Office of the
Attorney General for conformity with the requirements of Article
41, Sec. 15CB.
Please advise if there are any questions. Your
consideration of this request is appreciated.