1100 North Eutaw Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21201
Dear Secretary Hettleman:
In accordance with Article 41, §15CB of the Annotated Code,
I hereby approve the reorganization of the Office of Community
Services proposed in your letter dated October 21, 1982. This
approval extends only to the structural aspects of the proposal.
Specific personnel or budgetary items remain, of course, subject
to the normal administrative processes.
I share your view that the new organization will promote
improved delivery of those services provided by the Office of
Community Services as well as clearer administrative
Harry Hughes
October 21, 1982
The Honorable Harry Hughes
Governor of Maryland
State House
Annapolis, Maryland 21404
Dear Governor Hughes:
In 1971 the Maryland General Assembly established an Energy
Assistance and Information Program within the Office of Community
Services. In October 1981 there were significant federal
legislative changes which further expanded the functions of the
Office of Community Services. These included passage of a Low
Income Energy Assistance Block Grant which was to be administered
by the State, the continuation of the Weatherization Program and
the establishment of a Community Services Block Grant, also to be
administered by the State. To implement these laws, and in
accordance with Article 41, §15 CB of the Annotated Code, the
following organization of the Office of Community Services of the
Community Programs Administration is proposed.
Present activities of the three programs would be separated
into three distinct units; Maryland Energy Assistance Program
(MEAP), the Maryland Weatherization Program, and the Community
Services Block Grant. Each would be administered by a director
who would be responsible to the Executive Director, Office of