Community Services, the Assistant Secretary, Community Programs
Administration and to the Secretary, Department of Human
Resources. Each director is responsible for planning,
implementing, administering, and monitoring all activities which
occur as part of the program. These officials comprise part of
the general program direction more specifically described below.
The Maryland Energy Assistance Program, which provides funds
to cover energy costs of low income households, would be divided
into two major sections, Administrative Services and Field
Services, each headed by an associate director. The Associate
Director for Administrative Services would be responsible for
fiscal operations and data processing. A fiscal officer, a clerk
and a data processing specialist would be under the supervision
of this associate director.
The Associate Director for Field Services would be
responsible for grants management, implementation and monitoring.
Three field representatives are under the supervision of the
Associate Director.
The Maryland Weatherization Program would remain a separate
program under the supervision of a director. A supervisor and
four program monitors would plan, administer, monitor and
evaluate this program which provides funds for the weatherization
of low-income homes.
A new program, Community Services Block Grant, would be
established under the supervision of a director. Three planner
monitors, under the director's supervision, would be responsible
for planning, monitoring and evaluating the program which
provides a broad range of employment, training, and social
services to low-income persons.
I believe the proposed organization will promote more
effective management and clearer administrative accountability in
the Maryland Energy Assistance Program, the Maryland
Weatherization Program, and the Community Services Block Grant
Program. The need for these changes is the result of increased
federal funding, increased responsibilities, and changes in the
legislation and regulations affecting the program.
Kalman R. Hettleman