Arnick, Chairman, Joint Committee on Administrative, Executive
and Legislative Review, Room 428, House Office Building,
Annapolis, Maryland 21401; the Honorable Catherine I. Riley,
Vice-Chairman, Joint Committee on Administrative, Executive and
Legislative Review, Room 308, Senate Office Building, Annapolis,
Maryland 21401; the Honorable Senator Joseph V. Gartland, Jr.,
Chairman, Bi-State Chesapeake Bay Commission, Room 412, Virginia
General Assembly Building, 9th and Capital Streets, Richmond,
Virginia 23219; the Honorable Elizabeth S. Smith,
Vice-Chairperson, Bi-State Chesapeake Bay Commission, Room 215,
House Office Building, Annapolis, Maryland 21401; Irwin Alperin,
Executive Director, Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission,
1717 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036; Robert
Eurice, Chairman, Tidal Fisheries Advisory Commission, 1333 South
Seneca Road, Baltimore, Maryland 21220; Jack Barnhardt, Chairman,
Sportfishing Advisory Commission, 1925 Wilson Point Road,
Baltimore, Maryland 21220; Larry Sims, President, Maryland
Watermen's Association, 88 Maryland Avenue, Annapolis, Maryland
21401; Michael Pivec, President, Saltwater Sportfishermen's
Association, c/o Pivec Associates, 7 Castlegate Court, Towson,
Maryland 21204; and Robert Lord, President, Charter Boat
Captains' Association, c/o Captain Bunting Marina, Ocean City,
Maryland 21842.
Signed May 10, 1983.
No. 27
(House Joint Resolution No. 8)
A House Joint Resolution concerning
Governor's Task Force on
Senior Citizen Activity Centers
FOR the purpose of requesting that the Governor establish a task
force to examine senior citizen centers throughout the
State; providing that the task force examine certain factors
relating to the services, operations, and funding of senior
citizen centers; providing for the membership and
appointment of the task force; providing that the task force
report its findings and recommendations to the Governor and
the General Assembly by a certain date; and generally
relating to the creation of the Task Force on Senior Citizen
Activity Centers.
WHEREAS, The General Assembly of Maryland has recognized the
essential need for senior citizen centers and has promoted the
development and continued operation of these facilities by
enacting the Elderly Citizen Activity Center Improvement Loan
Program to provide resources for senior centers; and