HARRY HUGHES, Governor 2301
WHEREAS, The importance and value of the Chesapeake Bay's
seafood has recently been accorded recognition by the Joint
Legislative Audit and Review Commission of the Commonwealth of
Virginia; and
WHEREAS, The State of Maryland and the Commonwealth of
Virginia have joined together in the Bi-State Working Committee
and the Chesapeake Bay Commission to underscore the importance of
the Chesapeake Bay and its resources, not the least being
seafood; and
WHEREAS, Both Maryland and Virginia have responsibly
participated in the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission
for the development of certain conservation plans for fisheries
resources; and
WHEREAS, The EPA Chesapeake Bay Program and other scientific
investigations have identified certain habitat shortcomings for
fisheries resources requiring action to restore traditional
habitats; now, therefore, be it
Committee on Administrative, Executive and Legislative Review is
requested to oversee, direct, monitor, and fully document the
effectiveness of and need for changes in the fisheries laws,
rules, and regulations of this State that pertain to the tidal
finfish fisheries; and be it further
RESOLVED, That the Secretary of Natural Resources is
requested to make a comprehensive review of Title 4 of the
Natural Resources Article to insure that existing laws and rules
or regulations are responsive to the provisions of Sections
4-2A-02 and 4-2A-03 of the Natural Resources Article for the
development of conservation programs designed to insure the
continued ability of fish to perpetuate themselves successfully;
and be it further
RESOLVED, That the Secretary of Natural Resources is
requested to work through the Bi-State Working Committee, the
Chesapeake Bay Commission, and the Atlantic States Marine
Fisheries Commission to create a conservation regime for the
protection and enhancement of brood fishery stocks for the entire
Chesapeake Bay region; and be it further
RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution be sent to the
Honorable Harry Hughes, Governor of the State of Maryland; the
Honorable Louis N. Phipps, Acting Torrey C. Brown, Secretary of
Natural Resources, Tawes State Office Building, 580 Taylor
Avenue, Annapolis, Maryland 21401; the Honorable James 0.
Roberson, Secretary of Economic and Community Development, 525
Riva Road, Annapolis, Maryland 21401; the Honorable Betty J.
Diener, Secretary, Virginia Department of Commerce and Resources,
Office of the Governor, Richmond, Virginia 23219; John S.