RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be sent to the
Honorable Harry Hughes, Governor of Maryland; Senators Charles
McC. Mathias, Jr. and Paul S. Sarbanes, Senate Office Building,
Washington, D.C. 20510; Representatives Royden P. Dyson, Clarence
P. Long, Barbara A. Mikulski, Marjorie S. Holt, Steny H. Hoyer,
Beverly B. Byron, Parren J. Mitchell, and Michael P. Barnes,
House Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20515; the Honorable
William Donald Schaefer, Mayor of the City of Baltimore; and to
William F. Bolger, Postmaster General, 475 L'Enfant Plaza West,
S.W., Washington, D.C. 20260.
Signed May 10, 1983.
No. 19
(House Joint Resolution No. 3)
A House Joint Resolution concerning
Natural Gas Prices
FOR the purpose of requesting the Congress of the United States,
the Department of Energy of the United States, and the
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to investigate and
remedy the causes of the gas surplus, high prices, and
declining markets.
WHEREAS, The Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978 (NGPA) provides
for the gradual deregulation of natural gas in a manner intended
to ease the burden upon consumers, and particularly residential
and other small users of such a transition; and
WHEREAS, Contracts being signed for gas from wells already
deregulated under the NGPA include provisions in some instances
for 90 percent take-or-pay at prices of 110 percent of Number 2
fuel oil; and
WHEREAS, The American Gas Association has projected the
average residential gas heating bill will more than double from
$390 in 1981 to $826 in 1985 and to as much as $977 under full
deregulation; and
WHEREAS, Natural gas provides approximately 27 percent of
the energy consumed in the United States and is used in
approximately 55 percent of all residential and commercial
establishments in the United States; and
WHEREAS, A U. S. Department of Energy analysis has
identified the cost to industrial users of natural gas as an
additional $237 billion during the next 5 years under full
deregulation; and