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Session Laws, 1983
Volume 745, Page 2258   View pdf image
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2258                                               JOINT RESOLUTIONS Vietnam and disabled veteran owned businesses in obtaining
federal, State, county, city, and local government financial
assistance and contracts. WHEREAS, It is the policy of this State to retain, enhance,
and attract business in this State; and WHEREAS, There are 177,000 Vietnam veterans and 71,000
disabled veterans in this State; and WHEREAS, The assistance of Vietnam and disabled veterans in
the establishment and expansion of small businesses would further
the economic policy of this State; and WHEREAS, The Congress of the United States has appropriated
$25,000,000 for loans to small businesses owned by Vietnam and
disabled veterans; and WHEREAS, Additional capital for Vietnam and disabled veteran
operated businesses would further the economic development policy
of this State; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF MARYLAND, That the
Governor is requested to establish a Vietnam and Disabled
Veteran's Business Resource Council to perform the following
duties and responsibilities: (1)  Create a list of Vietnam and disabled veteran
owned businesses in this State; (2)  Distribute the list of Vietnam and disabled
veteran owned businesses to the businesses on the list so that
Vietnam and disabled veteran owned businesses can use the goods
and services of other such businesses; (3)  Disseminate information on programs available to
assist Vietnam and disabled veteran owned businesses; (4)  Conduct educational programs in the community
which address the needs of the Vietnam and disabled veteran owned
businesses in this State; (5)  Assist Vietnam and disabled veteran owned
businesses in applying for financial assistance provided by
existing programs; and (6)  Assist Vietnam and disabled veteran owned
businesses in the procurement of federal, State, county, city,
and local government contracts; and be it further RESOLVED, That the Council be composed of 15 members to be
appointed as follows: (1) 1 or more members of veterans organizations,
appointed by the Governor;

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Session Laws, 1983
Volume 745, Page 2258   View pdf image
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