RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution be forwarded to the
Honorable Harry Hughes, Governor of Maryland; the Honorable
Melvin A. Steinberg, President of the Senate of Maryland; and the
Honorable Benjamin L. Cardin, Speaker of the House of Delegates.
Signed May 10, 1983.
No. 3
(Senate Joint Resolution No. 2)
A Senate Joint Resolution concerning
Nuclear Weapons
FOR the purpose of requesting the Maryland Congressional
Delegation to introduce into Congress a resolution calling
for the President of the United States to negotiate with the
Soviet Union for a mutual verifiable freeze in testing,
production, and deployment of nuclear weapons, missiles, and
delivery aircraft, if such a freeze is at a level of
weaponry that guarantees the national security of the United
States, is consistent with the foreign and defense policies
of the federal administration, and is clearly in the best
interest of the American people unless such a freeze would
jeopardize the national security of the United States and
not be in the best interests of the American people, and for
the purpose of urging the President of the United States to
negotiate such a freeze.
WHEREAS, The unleashing of nuclear weapons in warfare would
cause untold death, suffering, and destruction; and
WHEREAS, The continued development, testing, and production
of nuclear weaponry and related delivery systems increase
distrust and apprehension among nations as well as the potential
magnitude of any international conflict, as recognized by the
President of the United States in his speech on November 18,
1981; and
WHEREAS, Our State's environment is threatened by the mere
preparation for nuclear war; and
WHEREAS, Governmental spending for nuclear weaponry and
related delivery systems would be spent more wisely in peaceful
pursuits; and
WHEREAS, Halting or freezing the nuclear arms race is an
essential and verifiable first step toward the reduction of
nuclear arsenals and the lessening of the risk of nuclear war;
now, therefore, be it