HARRY HUGHES, Governor 2255
WHEREAS, Trade activities must be integrated with the
overall economic development strategy of the State; now,
therefore, be it
Governor is requested to establish a Commission to study how to
develop a State and private cooperative effort, to improve world
trade efforts in Maryland and to evaluate the appropriate role of
the State of Maryland under the Export Trading Act of 1982 in
regard to the creation, financing, and servicing of potential
export trading companies and associations in our State; and be it
RESOLVED, That the Commission be composed of the following
12 members:
(1) 1 representative each from the House and Senate;
(2) 1 representative from the State Department of
Economic and Community Development;
(3) 1 representative from the State Port Authority;
(4) 1 representative from the State Aviation
(5) 1 citizen representing the International
Commercial Law Division of the Maryland State Bar Association;
(6) 1 citizen representing the Maritime Law
Association Baltimore-Washington Air Cargo Association;
(7) 1 citizen representing the Maryland International
Trade Association;
(8) 1 citizen representing the Washington Suburban
Southern Maryland International Trade Association;
(9) 1 citizen representing Steamship Agents;
(10) 1 citizen representing the Maryland Chamber of
Commerce; and
(11). 1 citizen representing a Maryland bank which has
an international banking department the Maryland Bankers'
Association; and be it further
RESOLVED, That the Governor designate the Chairman of the
Commission; and be it further
RESOLVED, That the World Trade Efforts Commission report its
findings and recommendations to the Governor by December 1, 1984;
and be it further