(e) (1) In the ordinance or resolution authorizing the
issuance of bonds, the county shall make findings as to the need
for financing permitted under this section, the types of housing
available and needed in the county, and other factors as the
county deems appropriate to establish a residential mortgage
program. In any suit, action, or proceeding involving the
validity or enforceability of any bond issued under this section
or the security therefor, any finding by the county in regard to
the qualification of a person or family to participate in the
program, or other finding with respect to the program, shall be
conclusive. A down payment of at least 10 percent of the
purchase price of the dwelling shall be required by the program,
and may be in the form of cash or real property owned by a
mortgagor on which a dwelling has been constructed, which real
property shall be valued at its purchase price or appraised
value, whichever is less. An individual mortgage loan authorized
under this program may not exceed $90,000.
Article 78A - Public Works
(e) (1) The Council shall meet periodically, but not less
often than quarterly, upon the call of the chairman or the
coordinator to review and discuss any problems known to or
brought to the attention of the members in connection with the
issuance of State, county, or municipal permits, including
matters of delay, arbitrariness, or unreasonableness. The
Council shall encourage departmental participation in its
inquiries and deliberations.
(2) Any member of the Council may bring to the
attention of the Secretary or the coordinator any situation
related to the issuance of permits that may require review or
(3) Each member of the Council shall also serve as
liaison with the government of the county or counties and
municipalities in the member's district. Each member shall bring
to the attention of the appropriate local government problems
with the permit issuing process in that local government.
(4) Governmental agencies shall act promptly to
remedy problems brought to their attention.
(5) The Council shall report its activities and make
any recommendations it considers appropriate to the Governor and
General Assembly no later than January 15 in each year.
Article - Courts and Judicial Proceedings
[(a) Except as provided in subsection (b) and (c), the
petition, if any, shall be filed in the county where the child
resides or is domiciled.]