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Session Laws and Journals, 1982, August Special Session
Volume 743, Page 219   View pdf image
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Page S.B. 240-Emergency vehicles - Provides that certain
operators of certain emergency vehicles are not liable
for certain acts or omissions under certain
circumstances and generally relates thereto...........16 (61) S.B. 254-Unemployment insurance - Eliminates special
unemployment contribution rates for employers in an
Urban Enterprise Zone..................................19 (6) S.B. 264-Pensions - Alters the minimum amounts that may
be received by certain members in the State Employees'
and Teachers' Retirement Systems who retire prior to a
certain date and relates thereto.......................20 (7) S.B. 266-Pensions - Provides that officials elected or
appointed prior to a certain date need not be
terminated involuntarily to elect to have their
accumulated contributions paid as an annuity and
generally relates thereto..............................21 (8) S.B. 271-Pensions - Requires persons who retire after a
certain date and are receiving disability benefits
under the State Retirement or Pension Systems to
provide certain information to the board of trustees
and relates thereto....................................22 (9) S.B. 273-State Police - Substitutes the General Fund of
the State of Maryland for the obsolete Police Pension
Fund as recipient of certain revenues and the proceeds
from the sale of confiscated personal property by the
State Police...........................................23 (10) S.B. 276-Pensions - Alters the requirements for a member
of the Employees' Retirement System to be entitled to
credit for previous service rendered as a full-time
paid employee of a municipal corporation of this
State.................................................25 (11) S.B. 282-Racing - Alters the time and manner of
depositing certain racing tax revenues and relates
thereto...............................................26 ( 62 ) S.B. 285-State employees - Alters the membership of the
trustees of the State Employees Deferred Compensation
Plan and generally relates to the board of trustees...28(12) S.B. 343-Health boards - Continues certain health
occupations boards in accordance with the provisions
of the Regulatory Programs Evaluation Act of 1978
by extending to a certain date the termination
provisions............................................29 (13) S.B. 363-Baltimore City - Provides that certain employees
of the Circuit Court may elect to remain in the
Baltimore City Employees Retirement System or join the
Pension System for State Employees....................30 (14) S.B. 365-Lyric Theater Loan of 1982 - Creates a State
Debt to be used as a grant to assist in the
modernization of the Lyric Theater....................31 (15) S.B. 378-Municipalities - Requires certain county
officials to meet with certain municipal officials and
generally relates to county taxation in certain
municipalities........................................32 (16) S.B. 392-Loyola College Loan of 1982 - Creates a State

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Session Laws and Journals, 1982, August Special Session
Volume 743, Page 219   View pdf image
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