Debt with proceeds for improvements to the College
Center................................................33 (17)
S.B. 408-Court costs - Revises the manner in which fees,
costs, and charges for certain State courts are set and
generally relates thereto.............................34 (63)
S.B. 436-Compensatory special education services - Alters
the termination of certain programs...................37 (18)
S.B. 463-Prince George's County Detention Center Loan of
1975 - Provides a grant for the construction and
equipment of a proposed Detention Center Complex, and
provides generally for the issue and sale of bonds
evidencing the loan...................................38 (19)
S.B. 470-Dundee - Saltpeter Creeks Loan of 1982 - Creates
a State Debt with proceeds for land acquisition in
the Dundee - Saltpeter Creeks Natural Environmental
Area..................................................39 (20)
S.B. 473-Real property liens - Provides that under
certain circumstances certain assessments by
homeowner's associations are liens on members' homes
and generally relates thereto.........................40 (64)
S.B. 474-Prince George's County Detention Center Loan of
1982 - Creates a State Debt with proceeds for
construction of a County Detention Center.............46 (21)
S.B. 483-Fire fighters, rescue squad members and
paramedics - Permits a criminal record check on
applicants for a volunteer or paid fire fighter, rescue
squad member, or paramedic position and generally
relates thereto.......................................47 (22)
S.B. 512-Housing Rehabilitation Loan of 1982 - Creates a
State Debt with proceeds to continue the Maryland
Housing Rehabilitation Program........................48 (23)
S.B. 513-Public Junior, Community, and Regional Community
Colleges Facilities Loan of 1982 - Creates a State Debt
with proceeds for construction of buildings, site
improvements, facilities, and acquisition of certain
property..............................................49 (24)
S.B. 517-Energy Conservation Grant Matching Fund Loan of
1982 - Creates a State Debt with proceeds for funds to
match federal grants for energy conservation in
State-owned schools, hospitals, and public educational
facilities............................................50 (25)
S.B. 528-Baltimore Zoo Loan of 1982 - Creates a State
Debt with proceeds for improvements to the Baltimore
Zoo...................................................51 (26)
S.B. 530-Environmental noise standards - Prohibits a
political subdivision from adopting any noise control
ordinance, rule, or regulation that prohibits
trapshooting, skeetshooting, or other target shooting
at certain times by certain shooting sports clubs.....52 (65)
S.B. 531-Memorial Stadium Loan of 1982 - Creates a State
Debt with proceeds for a grant for improvements to
Memorial Stadium......................................54 (27)
S.B. 532-Maryland Science Center Loan of 1982 - Creates a