Theaters —
See Vetoed Bills, S.B. 365
Traffic Regulation --
See Vetoed Bills, S.B. 966
Transportation, Department of --
See Vetoed Bills, S.B. 636
Unemployment Insurance --
Additional benefits - Time when an additional benefit
period may begin, altered; general - See S.B. 1
Utilities --
See also Vetoed Bills, S.B. 150
Rates - Granting another rate increase to certain public
service companies for a certain period of time,
prohibited - See S.B. 2
Vetoed Bills from 1982 --
S.B. 14-Election laws - Clarifies the law with respect to
the arrangement of names on ballots in certain
elections and specifies the arrangement of names on
ballots in certain elections........................... 9 (1)
S.B. 84-Vehicle laws - Redefines "fair market value" and
"total purchase price" as used in assessing the motor
vehicle titling excise tax.............................10 (2)
S.B. 95-Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation
Foundation - Provides that upon conveyances by certain
persons of certain land subject to agricultural land
preservation easements, the Foundation shall release
the land conveyed from the easement and relates
thereto................................................11 (3)
S.B. 104-Divorce - Requires that a final decree of
divorce, annulment, or alimony may not be entered
except upon testimony taken in open court or before a
Master or Master Examiner in Chancery..................12 (4)
S.B. 145-Income taxes - Continues the deduction for
certain unreimbursed automobile travel expenses
incurred by certain volunteers.........................13 (5)
S.B. 150-Utilities - Defines the term contractor and
limits the exemption from the provisions of the High
Voltage Line Act for certain contractors of public
utilities to construction, repair, and maintenance work
and relates thereto...................................14 (60)