(8) (9) 1 member from the sewage sludge disposal
industry, appointed by the Governor;
(9) (10) 1 member from the sewage sludge
utilization industry, appointed by the Governor; and
(10) (11) 4 private citizens, selected from
different geographical areas of the State, appointed by the
Governor; and be it further
RESOLVED, That the Governor shall appoint the Chairman
of the Commission; and be it further
RESOLVED, That staff for the Commission be provided by
the Department of Legislative Reference; and be it further
RESOLVED, That the Commission report its preliminary
findings, including short and long-term options and
associated costs to ensure sound management of problems
raised by this Resolution, and final recommendations to the
General Assembly by January 1, 1983, and make its final
report to the General Assembly by July 1, 1983; and be it
RESOLVED, That the Secretary of the Department of
Health and Mental Hygiene may maintain a moratorium on
landspreading on agricultural land of sewage sludge until
the Commission has made its final report; and be it further
RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution be forwarded
to the Honorable Harry Hughes, Governor of Maryland; the
Honorable James Clark, Jr., President of the Senate of
Maryland; the Honorable Benjamin Cardin, Speaker of the
House of Delegates; the Honorable Dr. Charles R. Buck, Jr.,
Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene, 201 W. Preston
Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21201; the Honorable James B.
Coulter, Secretary of Natural Resources, Tawes State Office
Building, Annapolis, Maryland 21401; the Honorable Constance
Leider, Secretary of State Planning, 301 W. Preston Street,
Baltimore, Maryland 21201; the Honorable James O. Roberson,
Secretary of Economic and Community Development, 2525 Riva
Road, Annapolis, Maryland 21401; the Honorable Wayne A.
Cawley, Jr., Secretary of Agriculture, Parole Plaza Office
Building, Annapolis, Maryland 21401; the Honorable Lowell K.
Bridwell, Secretary of Transportation, P.O. Box 8755,
Baltimore-Washington International Airport, Baltimore,
Maryland; Mrs. Althea O'Connor, Executive Director, Maryland
Association of Counties, 169 Conduit Street, Annapolis,
Maryland. 21401; Mr. Jon Burrell, Executive Director,
Maryland Municipal League, 76 Maryland Avenue, Annapolis,
Maryland 21401; Dr. John S. Toll, President, University of
Maryland, President's Office, Adelphi, Maryland 20783; and
Dr. Stephen Muller, President, the Johns Hopkins University,
Homewood, Charles and 34th Streets, Baltimore, Maryland