Ch. 690
Acts of 1977, by Section 4 of Chapter 403 of the Acts
of 1979, and by Section 2 of Chapter 420 of the Acts of
1979, relating to the time by which projects contained
in the General Construction Loan of 1975 must be placed
under contract, insofar as those provisions relate to
items contained in Chapter 886 of the Acts of 1975, as
amended, for the Board of Public Works - Annapolis -
for the design and construction of an Archival
Building, and for the University of Maryland - College
Park - for site improvements, to include a four-lane
running track and three multipurpose fields; suspending
the provisions of Section 1(9) of Chapter 420 of the
Acts of 1979, relating to the time by which projects
contained in the General Construction Loan of 1979 must
be placed under contract, insofar as those provisions
relate to items contained in Chapter 420 of the Acts of
1979 for the Department of Public Safety and
Correctional Services - Division of Correction -
Maryland Penitentiary - for the construction of a
visitors' Registration Building (Baltimore City), for
the University of Maryland - College Park Campus - for
the design and preparation of detailed plans and
specifications for a Vehicle Storage, Maintenance and
Classroom addition to, and minor alterations to,
Building 199, Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute, and
for the Department of Economic and Community
Development - St. Mary's City Commission - for the
construction of Waterfront Exhibit; and suspending any
provisions of law imposing a time limit for placing
under contract projects included in item of
Section 1 of Chapter 86 of the Acts of 1979, "Board of
Public Works - Capital Appropriation", insofar as those
provisions relate to projects contained on pages 1-114
through I-122 of Volume I of the Maryland State Budget
for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 1980 for the
Department of Natural Resources - Natural Resources
Police Force - to design jetty for harbor refuge at
Matapeake State Park, for Maryland School for the Deaf
--Frederick Campus for modifications to the Veditz
Vocational Building and Benson Gymnasim/Natatorium to
provide program accessibility for the handicapped, and
for the Department of Economic and Community
Development -- Maryland Commission on Afro-American
History and Culture to supplement the appropriation
for "Restoration, renovation, and preparation for use
for the Commission, of Mt. Moriah Church in Annapolis,
etc...."; and suspending certain provisions of Chapter
804 of the Acts of 1978.
MARYLAND, That the provisions of Section 10 of Chapter 886
of the Acts of 1975, suspended by Section 6 of Chapter 671
of the Acts of 1977, by Section 4 of Chapter 403 of the Acts
of 1979, and by Section 2 of Chapter 420 of the Acts of
1979, be and they are hereby further suspended insofar as
they impose a time limit for placing under contract the