Ch. 2
payments as may be required of the State under the federal
reinsurance plan to any federal reinsurance entity, or to an
insurer or the association for losses sustained in excess of
the amount of retention of such losses as shall be provided
for by the Commissioner; provided, however, that the amount
of such payments or reimbursement in any one year shall in
no event exceed five percent of the aggregate property
insurance premiums earned in this State in the most recent
full calendar year on those lines of insurance reinsured by
the appropriate federal authority. The fund shall consist
of all moneys appropriated to the fund, of securities
acquired by and through the use of moneys belonging to the
fund, together with interest and accretions earned thereon.
Included in the fund also shall be any moneys appropriated
for this purpose from the issue and sale of certificates of
indebtedness by the State, including Chapter 436 (S.B. 624)
of the Acts of 1969 or other law for the issue and sale of
such certificates of indebtedness. The fund created by this
section shall be deposited with the State Treasurer to be
held in such banks as he deems proper and shall be accounted
for by the State Comptroller in a special account known as
the "Maryland Insurance Development Fund[.]".
Article 56 - Licenses
(b) (1) All retail aviation gasoline dealers engaged
in dispensing aviation gasoline to aircraft on airports or
landing fields licensed by the State Aviation Administration
and all aircraft manufacturing companies situate within the
State of Maryland and dispensing aviation gasoline to
aircraft may present to the Comptroller, a statement setting
forth the date of purchase and the number of gallons of
gasoline purchased for aviation purposes, supported by
vouchers and receipted bills. The Comptroller, upon
presentation of the statement and vouchers, shall repay to
the retail aviation gasoline dealers or aircraft
manufacturing companies, from the taxes collected on motor
[vehicles] VEHICLE fuels, 6 cents for each gallon of fuel on
which the tax has been paid by the dealer or aircraft
manufacturing company. Any other person is eligible for a
refund of 6 cents for each gallon of motor vehicle fuel on
which he paid the tax if the fuel is for use in an aircraft
and he can demonstrate through presentation to the
Comptroller [or] OF appropriate statements and vouchers that
he, and not the dealer or aircraft manufacturing company,
paid the tax.
(i) For the purpose of subsections (b) and (c) of this
section, a retail service station does not include
facilities which are both owned and operated by an
agricultural cooperative association which a bank for
cooperatives certifies is eligible to borrow from it
pursuant to [subcharter] SUBCHAPTER III of the Federal Farm