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Session Laws, 1981
Volume 741, Page 27   View pdf image
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Credit Act of 1971 (12 U.S.C. § 2121 et seq.) provided that:

(1)  The certification is filed with the
Comptroller of the Treasury in connection with the
registration of a retail service station dealer pursuant to
this subtitle; and

(2)  The facilities are on premises owned and
operated by the agricultural cooperative association at
which the agricultural cooperative association also carries
on, as a bona fide part of its business, the sale or
furnishing of farm supplies, farm business services, or the
bulk distribution of motor vehicle fuel to farmers on farms.


(a) For the purposes of this section, "outdoor musical
festival promoter" means every person engaged in the
business of organizing, producing or staging musical
entertainment in open spaces and not in a permanent
structure for a gathering of one thousand (1,000) or more
persons who pay a consideration or admission charge to view
and HEAR such musical entertainment. For purposes of this
section, in Washington, Frederick, and Carroll counties
"outdoor musical festival promoter" means every person
engaged in the business of organizing, producing or staging
musical entertainment in open spaces and not in a permanent
structure for a gathering of 500 or more persons who pay a
consideration or admission charge to view and hear such
musical entertainment.


(f) (1) Within every OTHER two year license renewal
period, every person licensed under this subtitle shall
comply with the continuing education requirements
established in this subsection as a condition precedent to
the renewal of a license. A licensee receiving an initial
license in the last year of a renewal period does not have
to comply with this continuing education requirement until
his second license renewal period.

(2) (iii) A licensee who fails to comply with
the provisions of [section] SUBSECTION (f)(2)(ii) may show
cause as to why his license should not be revoked by the
Commission. If a licensee fails to show cause, the
Commission may revoke his license.


The following terms and definitions apply to this

(2) "Professional forestry" or "practice of

professional forestry" means the business of providing

consultation, investigation, evaluation, planning, or

responsible supervision of any forestry activities when this


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Session Laws, 1981
Volume 741, Page 27   View pdf image
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