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Session Laws, 1981
Volume 741, Page 19   View pdf image
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(b) The provisions of § [534N] 534N-1 do not apply on
the 4 consecutive Sundays that immediately precede December



(a)  This section does not apply to a citation:

(1)  For a violation of a parking ordinance or
regulation adopted under TITLE 26, Subtitle 3 of the
Transportation Article; or


(d) (1) The governing body of any county or municipal
corporation or the Maryland-National Capital Park and
Planning Commission, may enter into reciprocal agreements
for such periods as it deems advisable with any county,
municipal corporation, or the Maryland-National Capital Park
and Planning Commission, in or outside the State, including
the District of Columbia, in order to establish and carry
into effect a plan to provide mutual aid through the
furnishing of its police and other employees and agents
together with all necessary equipment in the event of an
emergency as provided in § 602B(a) of this subtitle. No
county, municipal corporation, or the Maryland-National
Capital Park and Planning Commission may enter into an
agreement unless the agreement provides that each of the
parties to the agreement shall: [(1)] (I) waive any and all
claims against all the other parties thereto which may arise
out of their activities outside their respective
jurisdictions under such agreement; and [(2)] (II) indemnify
and save harmless the other parties to such agreement from
all claims by third parties for property damage or personal
injury which may arise out: of the activities of the other
parties to such agreement, outside their respective
jurisdictions under such agreement.

(2)  A reciprocal agreement between Allegany
County and a municipal corporation in that county to furnish
police and other employees and agents together with all
necessary equipment may be established in accordance with §
602B(a) of this subtitle.


(b)  (1) The work-release program shall be established
and administered under the jurisdiction of the supervisor of
the Calvert County work-release program, subject to the
directives and orders of the judges of the District and
Circuit Courts of the county.

(2) Defendants admitted to the work-release
program have the privilege of leaving confinement when


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Session Laws, 1981
Volume 741, Page 19   View pdf image
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