Ch. 2
necessary, during reasonable hours, for the purpose of
working at gainful employment, participating in an outside
counseling or rehabilitative [programs] PROGRAM, or
obtaining other services deemed necessary by the program
(3) Failure of the defendant to participate in
and successfully complete the program under the conditions
imposed by the sentencing court may result in the revocation
of probation and the reinstatement of the original sentence.
Article 31 - Debt - Public
(a) Any public body and any municipal corporation,
including the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore and those
municipal corporations subject to the provisions of Article
11E of the State Constitution, now or hereafter authorized
to issue its bonds or other obligations for any proper
public purpose, at one time or from time to time may issue
and sell its bond anticipation notes, in aggregate amount
not greater than the authorized amount of the bonds in
anticipation of the sale of which the notes are issued and
sold, the principal of and interest on the notes to be made
payable to the bearer or registered holder thereof out of
the first proceeds of sale of the bonds, or from the tax or
other revenue which the public body or municipal corporation
shall have previously determined to apply to the payment of
the bonds and the interest thereon. The proceeds of sale of
the notes, after payment from the proceeds of the expenses
of the issuance OF the notes, shall be expended only on the
public purposes for which the bonds are authorized. Twelve
months' interest on the notes, or any renewal thereof, may
be paid from the proceeds, or from the proceeds of the sale
of the bonds, accounting from the initial date of issue
thereof. The notes shall be authorized by ordinance,
resolution, or other form of official action customarily
used by the public body or municipal corporation, which
shall cite the authority for the notes and bonds and the
amount authorized, shall fix the maturities, interest rates
or the manner of determining the same, and other terms of
such bond anticipation notes, the price or prices at which
the notes will be sold, which may be at, above or below the
face value thereof, and the manner of their sale, which may
be by private negotiation by the public body or municipal
corporation with a prospective purchaser or purchasers if
deemed by the public body or municipal corporation to be for
its best interest. The resolution or ordinance may provide
for the issuance of the notes, pursuant to the sale, in
series as funds are required, and may also provide for the
renewal of the notes at maturity with or without resale.
All such notes shall be signed, endorsed or guaranteed in
the same manner as shall be provided by law for the bonds in
anticipation of which the notes are issued, and no such
notes shall be issued under this subsection unless so
signed, endorsed, or guaranteed.