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Session Laws, 1981
Volume 741, Page 18   View pdf image
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18                                            LAWS OF MARYLAND                                 Ch. 2

the same penalties specified for subsequent violations of
this [section] SUBSECTION.

(2) Any person 18 years of age or over who
violates paragraph (1) of this subsection by delivering drug
paraphernalia to a person under 18 years of age who is at
least 3 years his junior is guilty of a [special] SEPARATE
offense and upon conviction may be imprisoned for not more
than 8 years, fined not more than $15,000, or both.


[(b) (1) A retail establishment regulated or licensed
pursuant to the provisions contained in Article 56 may not
use any game, contests, lottery or other scheme or device,
whereby a person or persons may receive gifts, prizes or
gratuities as determined by chance for the purpose of
promoting, furthering or advertising the sale of any product
or service of whatsoever nature or kind. The fact that no
purchase is required in order to participate in the game,
contest, lottery or scheme does not exclude the game,
contest, lottery or scheme from the provisions of this

(2) This section may not be construed as
preventing any nonfranchise retail merchant from giving away
any prize or prizes by the act of drawing of a name or names
if no purchase or consideration is required to qualify for
the prize or prizes.]


(a) Any person or organization that owns, maintains or
causes to be maintained a junkyard or automobile graveyard,
as defined in § 8-801 of the Transportation Article,
lawfully in existence on January 1, 1972, which adjoins any
river, stream, or other body of water shall store and
maintain any trash, junk, automobiles, automobile tires,
other automobile parts and other refuse in such manner as to
prevent the dumping, depositing or transport of this matter
into the waters of the State, as defined in Title 8 of the
Natural Resources Article; inform the [the] Department of
Health and Mental Hygiene and the Water Resources
Administration of provisions planned or made to prevent the
dumping, depositing or transport of this matter into the
waters of the State; and comply with the provisions of
standards and specifications of the Water Resources
Administration as these relate to the erection of retaining
walls, or the use of devices or procedures to restrain the
dumping, depositing or transport of this matter into the
waters of the State.


[(m)] (L) Notwithstanding any provision to the
contrary, this section does not apply to Garrett County.
However, a dealer may not sell a new or used automobile or
truck on Sunday.


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Session Laws, 1981
Volume 741, Page 18   View pdf image
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