released from custody. If the court finds that a petition
for emergency admission under this section falls within the
coverage of § 13-709 of the Estates and Trusts Article, it
shall treat the petition as if it were a petition for an
order for emergency protective services under that section
and shall conduct the proceedings and make findings in
accordance with that section.
Article 59A - Mental Retardation
(a) As used in this section, the following words have
the meanings indicated:
(1) "Abuse" means any physical injury, sexual
abuse, or inhumane treatment sustained by a patient of a
facility. It does not include the performance of accepted
medical procedures ordered by a licensed physician or
accepted behaviorial procedures ordered by a [certified]
LICENSED psychologist.
Article 64A - Merit System
(a) (2) Any employee using less than full vacation
leave allowable beginning January 1, 1942, shall be entitled
to have such unused leave accumulated up to 35 working days,
which shall be available to such employee for vacation leave
at any time, with the approval of the head of the
department. In addition to annual vacation leave, any
employee is entitled to sick leave with pay for not in
excess of 30 working days in any calendar year, and from and
after January 1, 1975, in addition to such annual vacation
leave, any employee shall be entitled to sick leave with pay
for not in excess of 15 working days in any calendar year;
provided, however, that if any employee in any calendar year
uses less than the full amount of sick leave allowable, such
unused leave shall be accumulated and shall be available to
such employee for sick leave at any time. Nothing in this
section may cause an employee to lose any sick leave
accumulated as of December 31, 1974. Before receiving any
pay for the period of absence, an employee using three or
more consecutive working days sick leave in any 30-day
period shall present an original certificate signed
personally by any of the following licensed medical
providers: physician, physical therapist, CLINICAL
PSYCHOLOGIST, dentist, or oral surgeon, or by any of the
following certified medical providers: [clinical
psychologist,] chiropractor or podiatrist, or by an
accredited Christian Science practitioner. The Secretary of
the Department of Personnel may advance up to 60 days of
sick leave to an employee in any calendar year for a serious
disability, ailment or illness.
Article - Courts and Judicial Proceedings