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and immediate personal harm to himself or others. If the
judge finds probable cause for emergency admission he shall
endorse the petition by signing it, and the emergency
admittee shall be taken into custody by a peace officer and
transported by emergency vehicle to the closest designated
emergency facility where the emergency admittee may be
detained for a period of 96 hours beginning from the time he
was taken into custody. At the end of this 96-hour period
the emergency admittee's detention under the provisions of
this section shall terminate. If the judge does not endorse
the petition he shall indicate that fact on the petition and
no further action shall be taken under that petition. If
the court finds that a petition for emergency admission
under this section falls within the coverage of § 13-709 of
the Estates and Trusts Article, it shall treat the petition
as if it were a petition for an order for emergency
protective services under that section and shall conduct the
proceedings and make findings in accordance with that
(d) If the petitioner is a peace officer, a duly
licensed physician, a [certified] LICENSED psychologist or
the local health officer, as described by §§ 46 and 47 of
Article 43, or his designee, the emergency admittee shall be
transported by emergency vehicle to the closest designated
emergency facility with the assistance of a peace officer if
necessary. It is not the duty of the peace officer to
assist after the assumption of responsibility for an
emergency admittee by a hospital, unless a physician at the
facility requests the officer in writing to continue his
assistance. The emergency admittee may be detained in the
emergency facility for not more than 24 hours without
judicial endorsement. The petition shall receive judicial
review within 24 hours of the time the emergency admittee
was taken into custody, unless within 6 hours of such
custody, the emergency admittee is certified for involuntary
admission under § 12 of this Article, in which case, the
judicial review shall consist of the court's review of the
petition and the certificate of involuntary commitment.
Except as provided in the preceding sentence, the judicial
review of a petition for emergency admission shall consist
of a hearing before any judge of a District Court or circuit
court for the purpose of reviewing the petition,
interviewing the petitioner and considering all the other
pertinent data, including the report or findings of the
emergency facility, as outlined in subsection (e), where the
emergency admittee is being detained. On the basis of all
of this information the court shall make a finding to be
endorsed on the petition as to the existence of probable
cause to detain the emergency admittee for an additional
period of 96 hours beginning from the time the emergency
admittee was taken into custody, at the end of which period
the emergency admittee's detention under the provisions of
this subtitle shall terminate. If the judge does not
endorse the petition, he shall likewise indicate the fact on
the petition, and no further action shall be taken under
that petition and the emergency admittee shall be forthwith