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Session Laws, 1981
Volume 741, Page 13   View pdf image
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[(3)] (4) "Minority person" means a member of a
socially or economically disadvantaged minority group, which
for purposes of this subtitle includes Blacks (not of
Hispanic origin), Hispanics, American Indians, Alaska
natives, Asians, Pacific Islanders, women, and the
physically or mentally disabled.


A person may not be awarded a contract unless the
person submits, with the price quotation, [and] AN affidavit
of noncollusion.

of the Annotated Code of Maryland be repealed, amended, or
enacted to read as follows:

Article 25 - County Commissioners


(b)  [(i)] (1) An act, ordinance, or resolution adopted
or passed by the County Commissioners may not become
effective until a copy thereof has been filed with the clerk
of the court of the county, and a fair summary of the act,
ordinance, or resolution has been published, after adoption
or passage, in at least one newspaper of general circulation
in the county. Any act, ordinance, or resolution filed as
herein required, shall be admissible as evidence in any
court proceeding upon certification by the said clerk of the

[(ii)] (2) In Frederick County, the provisions
of this subsection do not apply to acts, ordinances, or
resolutions adopted or passed by the County Commissioners
pursuant to the Maryland Industrial Development Financing
Authority Act[, Article 41, §§ 266J through 266CC of the


No public road shall be opened or altered so as to pass
through the buildings, gardens, yards or burial grounds, of
any person without the consent of the owner thereof in
writing[, this]. THIS section DOES not [to] apply to
Allegany County, Baltimore County, Montgomery County,
Washington County or Wicomico County.


(c)  In the event that the State of Maryland through
any of its departments or agencies determines to build or
acquire any such railroad line in Washington County, the
Board of County Commissioners may contribute from the
general funds of the county such portion of the whole cost
of such line as it may determine to be reasonable and


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Session Laws, 1981
Volume 741, Page 13   View pdf image
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