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Session Laws, 1981
Volume 741, Page 12   View pdf image
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Ch. 2

Article 21 - Procurement

(a)  In this title, the following words have the
meanings indicated[:].


(b)  If there is more than one bidder, negotiations
shall be conducted with all responsive and responsible
bidders. These negotiations shall be conducted under the
following restrictions:

(1)  If negotiations about changing the
specifications or quantities are held with any bidder, all
other bidders shall be allowed to take part in the

(2)  An invitation for revised bids based on
revised specifications or quantities shall be issued as
promptly as possible, shall provide for a prompt response to
the revised requirements, and an award shall be made upon
the basis of the lowest bid price or lowest evaluated bid
price submitted by any responsive and responsible bidder.
Negotiations may not be conducted with bidders after revised
bids have been submitted unless the procurement officer
determines that there is a compelling reason. If the award
is to be made without competitive negotiations, the
invitation for revised [bid] BIDS shall so state.


Section [106] 8-513 of this subtitle creating the
Advisory Council on Prevailing Wage Rates and relating to
wage rate laws is of no effect and may not be enforced after
July 1, 1984.


(a) (1) In this subtitle the following words have the
meanings indicated[:].

[(1)] (2) "Department" means [the University of
Maryland,] the Departments of General Services, and
Transportation, the University of Maryland, the Maryland
Food Authority, and the Interagency Committee on Public
School Construction.

[(2)] (3) "Minority business enterprise" means
any legal entity, other than a joint venture, organized to
engage in commercial transactions which is at least 51
percent owned and controlled by one or more minority
persons, or a nonprofit entity organized to promote the
interests of the physically or mentally disabled.


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Session Laws, 1981
Volume 741, Page 12   View pdf image
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