Ch. 2
proper[, before]. BEFORE any general funds of the county
are expended for any of such purposes[. The], THE Board of
County Commissioners shall adopt the resolution and hold the
public hearing as provided in [paragraph] SUBSECTION (b)(2)
of this section.
Article 27 - Crimes and Punishments
(d) A person convicted of violating any provision of
this section is guilty of a misdemeanor[;] and upon
conviction[,] shall be imprisoned for a period not exceeding
30 days, or fined a sum not exceeding $250, or both.
(c) The placing or distributing of any flammable,
explosive or combustible material or substance, or any
device in any building or property mentioned in the
foregoing sections in an arrangement or preparation with
intent to eventually wilfully and maliciously set fire to or
burn same, or to procure the setting fire to or burning of
same shall, for the purpose of [this subtitle] §§ 6 THROUGH
9 OF THIS ARTICLE constitute an attempt to burn such
building or property and shall carry the penalty prescribed
in subsection (a) or (b), whichever applies.
(a) Every person who shall wear or carry any dirk
knife, bowie knife, switchblade knife, sandclub, metal
knuckles, razor, nunchaku, or any other dangerous or deadly
weapon of any kind, whatsoever (penknives without
switchblade and handguns, excepted) concealed upon or about
his person, and every person who shall wear or carry any
such weapon, chemical mace or tear gas device openly with
the intent or purpose of injuring any person in any unlawful
manner, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon
conviction, shall be fined not more than $1,000 [dollars] or
be imprisoned in jail, or sentenced to the Maryland
Department of Correction for not more than three years; and
in case of conviction, if it shall appear from the evidence
that such weapon was carried, concealed or openly, with the
deliberate purpose of injuring the person or destroying the
life of another, the court shall impose the highest sentence
of imprisonment prescribed. In Cecil, Anne Arundel, Talbot,
Harford, Caroline, Prince George's, Montgomery, St. Mary's,
Washington, Worcester and Kent counties it shall also be
unlawful and a misdemeanor, punishable as above set forth,
for any person under eighteen years of age to carry any
dangerous or deadly weapon, other than a handgun, between
one hour after sunset and one hour before sunrise, whether
concealed or not, except while on a bona fide hunting trip,
or except while engaged in or on the way to or returning
from a bona fide trap shoot, sport shooting event, or any
organized civic or military activity.