Volume 740, Page 317 View pdf image |
Jarÿ Court 1703:4 Shipped bÿ ye Grace of god, in good ordr: & well Condiontioned, bÿmeThomas Godin upon mÿ owne prper acct & Risque in and upon ye Good Ship Called ye Anne of London whereof is master for this prsent voÿage Benjn Dollen and now rideing att anchor in in South River and bound for London to Saÿ one hhd of Marÿland leafe tobacco, being T:C marked & numbered as pr margin, and are to be Delivered in ye like good ordr: & well no.1: Conditioned att ye afsd Port of London (The Danger of ye Seas Excepted) unto Robert Ruddle & Benjn. Dollen merchts in London or to their assignes theÿ paÿ fraight for ye Sd good after ye rate of Six pds pr tun wth Marÿland Duties wth primage & avarage accustomed, in wittness whereof ye Master or purser of ye Sd Ship hath affirmed to three bills of Lading all of this Tenr & Date ye one of wch three bills being accomplished, ye other two & Stand voÿd. And soe god Send ye Ship to her Desired Port in Safetÿ, Dated in South River ye 24th Daÿ of Aprill 1700 Benjn Dollen
to come here twelve &ca bÿ whome &ca. who neither &ca to recognize because as well &ca who makes retn thereof Imediatelÿ & Sayeth ye he hath here readÿ twelve &ca as bÿ his Sd prcept he was Comãnded to witt Robt. Dunn William Sparkes Junr:, George Powell, Nathll: Cleve, Renats Smith, Henerÿ Jackson, John Rickord, Robt Parkes, Richard Mason Samll Toveÿ, Henrÿ Morgan: Richard ffillingham who being Elected, Trÿed, & Sworn to Saÿ ye truth in ye prmisses Daÿ Saÿ upon their oathes we of ye Jurÿ Doe find for ye pltf in Damãges fourteen pounds Sterg Which being bÿ ye Court heard, & fullÿ understood It is bÿ them Considered here this 25th Daÿ of Jarÿ anno Dñi 1703 yt ye Sd pltf recover agt ye Sd Deft in his Sd Capacitie, as well ye Sume of fourteen pounds Sterg ye Damãges afsd ascessed as ye Sume of four hundred fourtÿ & Eight pounds of tobo Cost of Suit & ye Deft in mercÿ &ca
ye Same Day was Given ye pltf, att which Sd Next Court this accon was Continued untill next, and was Continued from Court to Court from ye fourth Tuesdaÿ in Augt 1703 untill this fourth Tuesdaÿ of this prsent Januarÿ being ye 25th Daÿ of ye Same month when Comes as well ye Sd Deft bÿ his attrÿ afsd as ye Sd pltf pr Rd Macklin his attrÿ & ye Sd pltf?s Declan was read as falloweth |
Volume 740, Page 317 View pdf image |
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