Volume 740, Page 311 View pdf image |
Janrÿ Court 1703: 4:
Court maturelÿ Deliberated It is Considered bÿ ye Sd Court, yt ye Sd plea of ye afsd Deft’s is not Sufficient to Debarr ye Sd pltf from haveing his accon as afsd Soe as ~ afsd brought and yt ye afsd Demrs: of ye Sd pltfs to ye plea of ye Sd Deft be adjudg: =ed good, And it therefore further Considered bÿ ye Sd Court yt ye Said Geo: Lumleÿ in afsd Capacitie Recover agt ye Sd Jon Hawkins as well ye Sume of 41614 ye Debt in ye obligation afsd as allsoe ye Cost of Sume accrewing thereupon And the afsd pltf upon ye Judgt of this Court is willing to & Doth release ye penãlltÿ of ye bond afsd |in his afsd Capacitie It is further Considered yt ye Sd pltf Doe recover from ye Sd Deft ye Sume of twentÿ thousand Eight hundred & Seaven pounds of tobo Dt as allsoe ye Sume of one hundred Seaventÿ & Six pounds of tobo Cost of Suit & the Said Deft in mercÿ &ca. and ye Sd John Hawkins praÿed an appeal |of this Court) from ye Judgt afsd to ye next Provll [Court] was Granted he giving Securÿtie according to Law, which he Doth
=up is held to Baile, Michael Earle here in Court undertakes to be baile for ye Sd Richard, & thereupon ye Sd Richard bÿ ye Sd Earle his attrÿ praÿ leave to Imparle hereunto untill next & he hath is ye Same Daÿ is Given ye pltf allsoe att wch Sd next Court to witt this 25th Daÿ Jarÿ comes as well ye Sd Deft bÿ his attrÿ afsd ye Sd plft bÿ his Sd attrÿ & ye Cause Standing for trÿeall ye platfs Declan was read as falloweth Kent Ss} Richard Joanes als Dicts Richard Joanes Junr of tallbott Countÿ was Sumõn’d to answer unto Robt Duncklÿ of London merchant of a plea yt he rendr him ye Sume of Eleven hundred & ninetÿ nine pounds of good Sound & very well quallified Tobo. in Cask which to him he oweth & from him he unjustlÿ Detaines And whereupon the Said Robt bÿ Richd Macklin his attrÿ complaines yt whereas ye Sd Richard Joanes ye 18th Daÿ of Maÿ Anno Dni 1703 att Tallbott Countÿ wch in ye Jurisdicõn of this Court bÿ his Certaine bill or writeing obligatorÿ Sealed wth his Seal as his act and Deed Delivered & here into Court brought whose Date ye Daÿ & year afsd Did bind himselfe his heires Exrs. and admrs to paÿ or Cause to be paid unto ye Sd Robt his heires Exrs: admrs: Certaine attrÿ or assignes ye afsd Sume of 1199 be paid upon ye Sd Richard Jones then Dwelling plantation in Chester River in ye Countÿ afsd att or upon ye tenth Daÿ 8ber next Ensueing ye Date of ye Same bill obligatorÿ: yett notwthstanding ye Sd Rchd Jones ye afsd Sume of 1199 according to ye tenr of ye Same bill obligatorÿ verte |
Volume 740, Page 311 View pdf image |
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