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Kent County Court, Proceedings, 1701-1705
Volume 740, Page 124   View pdf image
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        day of September Anno Dmi. 1702// Comes the Sd. Defendt. by his Attry
        afd and Sayth yt. he Cannot gainsay the plaintf his accon So as
        afd agt: him brought nor but that he is and Stands Justly
        indebted unto the Sd Plaintf in the Sume afd and is therefore willg:
        yt. Judgt. be Entd &ca:
                Thereupon Comes the sd. Plf by his Attry afd and in open Cort
        Releases unto the Sd. Thomas Hawkins ye. Sume of one thousd:
        and thirty Seven pounds of tobacco part of the debt afd acknowledging
        himself to be Satisfyed for ye. Sd part & praying Judgt. for balle.
             It is therefore Considered by the Court here this twenty
        Second day of Septr. afd yt. the Said John Smith recover
        Against the Said Thomas Hawkins As well the Sume of
        four hundred thirty Seven pounds of tobacco ye. Debt
        Afd As the Sume of two hundred and thirty nine ——
        pounds of tobacco Cost of Suit and the Deft: in Mercy &ca:
        Richd. Tilghman |    Thos: Tayler als dicts Thomas Tayler of Miles Creek

at |    in Talbot County Planter was Sumoned to —

Thomas Tayler |    Answer unto Richard Tilghman of A plea that

     he render him the full and Just Sume of —
      five hundred thirty and four pounds of tobacco in casq which to him
      he oweth and from him unjustly detains As pr the obligation &
      Decln filed in this Court by Richard Macklin Attry of the plaintf may
      More At Large Appeare
                And the Sd. Thomas Tayler by M Earle his Attry Comes and defends
      the force and Injury when &ca: and prays leave to Imprle hereunto
      untill next Court and he hath it the Same day is given the plf
      Also.      At Which Said next Court to wit this twenty Second day
      of Septr. Anno Dmi. 1702// here Comes the Said plf by his Attry afd
      And offers himself agt. the Said Defendt. in ye plea afd but the
      Said Defendt. (Altho’ Solemnly Called) Cometh not by himself or
      his attry afd (but Makes default) to make defence in ye. Said accon &
      the Sd Plaintf thereupon prays Judgt:
             Which being by the Justices here this Same day and year
      Seen heard and rightly understood It is by them Considered
      that the Said Richd. Tilghman recover agt. the Sd. Thos: Tayler—
      As well the Sume of five hundred and thirty four pounds of tobacco
      the Debt afd As the Sume of two hundred and forty five ———
      pounds of tobo. Cost of Suit and the Deft: in Mercy &ca: —

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Kent County Court, Proceedings, 1701-1705
Volume 740, Page 124   View pdf image
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