AN ORDINANCE to repeal and re-enact, with amendments,
Section 2-100 SECTIONS 2-100 and 2-200, RULE 18 of the Anne
Arundel County Code (1967 Edition and Supplements), Title 2,
"Board of Appeals", Subtitle 1, "Generally", and to repeal
and re-enact, with amendments, Section SECTIONS 13-338.5,
13-340.2 and 13-340.8 of said Code, Title 13, "Planning and
Zoning", Subtitle 3, "Alternate Zoning Regulations", Article
X, "Administration and Procedure", to provide that rezoning
of property is permitted when it is shown that there is a
mistake in the original zoning , OR a substantial change in
the character of the neighborhood or AND that there is an
affirmative finding that the reclassification conforms to
the general development plan, and that there are adequate
facilities to serve the uses allowed by the reclassification
and matters generally related thereto.
WHEREAS, The rezoning of property is permitted when it
is shown that there is a mistake in the original zoning or
comprehensive rezoning or a substantial change in the
character of the neighborhood, the basis for such rezoning
being known as the "change or mistake rule"; and
WHEREAS, Interpretations of the "change or mistake
rule" have allowed rezoning, even though the rezoning may
not be consistent with public policy; and
WHEREAS, There is a need for legislative guidelines
upon which to base the granting of rezoning petitions; and
WHEREAS, The County Council finds that the adoption of
this Ordinance will promote the health, safety and welfare
of the citizens of Anne Arundel County; now, therefore,
Approved May 15, 1979.
Bill No. 55-79
AN ORDINANCE to add new Section 17-615 to the Anne
Arundel County Code (1967 Edition and Supplements), Title
17, "Taxation", Subtitle 6, "Water and Wastewater Charges
and Assessments", to follow immediately after Section 17-614
thereof; to establish a charge on nongovernmental industrial
users of the County's wastewater works; and matters
generally related thereto.
Approved May 24, 1979.
Bill No. 58-79
AN ORDINANCE to enact new Section 18-111 to the Anne
Arundel County Code (1967 Edition and Supplements), Title
18, "Traffic", Subtitle 1, "Generally", to follow
immediately after Section 18-110 thereof, to provide for the
use of special vehicles by handicapped persons and matters