Bill No. 78-8
AN ACT concerning
FOR the purpose of establishing a system for the
management of raffles in Worcester County pursuant to
Article 27, Section 251B of the Annotated Code of Maryland,
defining a raffle, the providing of permits for raffles,
reports to be filed and criteria for the issuance of such
raffle permits, limitations on the number of permits to be
issued and penalties for violation hereof.
Approved January 16, 1979.
Bill No. 78-9
AN ACT concerning
County Treasurer
FOR the purpose of establishing the office of County
Treasurer, his qualifications, duties, bonding requirements,
requirements as to records, the custody thereof and the
contents thereof, and providing for the deposit of funds
collected in a bank and a method of withdrawal thereof and
further providing for the removal of the Treasurer under
certain conditions and the filling of a vacancy, as well as
certain requirements with regard to the personnel of the
Treasurer's Office, and matters relating thereto, by
repealing and re-enacting, with amendments, Sections 285,
286, 287, 288, 289, 293, 294, 296, 301, 302, 303, 304, 307,
308, 309, and 310 of the Code of Public Local Laws of
Worcester County.
Approved January 16, 1979.
Bill No. 79-1
AN ACT concerning
Personnel Administration
FOR the purpose of establishing a system of rules and
regulations for the administration of personnel activities
and transactions. By adding to the Code of Public Local
Laws for Worcester County, Maryland, by the creation of
Subtitle 3, Section 4-301 of Title 4, General
Administration, of the County Government Article of the Code
of Public Local Laws for Worcester County.