(f) the appropriateness of provision of
interim certification with respect to lengthy
apprenticeship programs;
(g) means by which existing apprenticeship
programs might be consolidated and improved and
extended to other occupations;
(h) the appropriateness of measures to
stimulate offering of vocational training
programs in public schools on evening and weekend
hours and to more adequately publicize the
eligibility to school leavers under the age of 21
of free attendance at such courses;
(i) the appropriateness and cost of
provision to school leavers of vouchers
conferring educational entitlements to
counselling services and training at proprietary
schools and other schools preparing for license
(j) the means by which follow-up services
to school leavers might be improved and the
appropriateness of staggered school leaving
(k) the enforcement of, and
appropriateness of modifications in, the
compulsory education laws;
(1) means by which greater use by Maryland
employers of the Federal targeted tax credit and
Federal subsidy programs might be encouraged;
(m) the appropriateness of State
supplementation of the targeted tax credit and
revival in modified form of the former summer
scholastic employment program;
(n) the appropriateness and cost of
strengthening of existing programs relating to
school community centers, employment counselling
services in schools, and school guidance
(o) development of a unified mode of
selection for part-time and summer State
employees, and consideration of selection
(p) consideration of whether State summer
employees should be employed on the basis of a