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Session Laws, 1980
Volume 739, Page 3325   View pdf image
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WHEREAS, Acute care hospitals are health care
facilities under the terms and provisions of the
Comprehensive Health Planning Act, Article 41, § 59C, of the
Annotated Code of Maryland; and

WHEREAS, A health care facility cannot acquire a
computerized tomographic (C/T) scanner without a Certificate
of Need issued by the Maryland Health Planning and
Development Agency, a constituent agency of the Department
of Health and Mental Hygiene of the State of Maryland; and

WHEREAS, Four acute care hospitals, each licensed for
over 400 acute care beds, have applied for Certificates of
Need for C/T Scanners and have had their applications
pending since 1977 without having been afforded the
opportunity for an evidentiary hearing under the provisions
of the Administrative Procedure Act of the State of
Maryland; and

WHEREAS, It is in the public interest to permit the
hospitals the opportunity to present information and
evidence to the Health Planning and Development Agency so
that the public may be informed concerning C/T Scanners; and

WHEREAS, The efficacy of the C/T Scanner for diagnosis
of many head and body complaints has been established; and

WHEREAS, The July, 1979 State Health Plan mentioned the
existence of private C/T Scanners, but did not include these
C/T Scanners in the determination of availability needs for
HSA populations; and

WHEREAS, It appears that an acute care hospital which
offers emergency care services and neurosurgical services
should have an on-site C/T Scanner to enable it to render an
appropriate level of care to its patients; now, therefore,
be it

Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene is urged to direct
the Maryland Health Planning and Development Agency to
conduct further hearings on applications for Certificates of
Need filed by Franklin Square Hospital, Union Memorial
Hospital, Maryland General Hospital, and Baltimore City
Hospitals; and be it further

RESOLVED, That in making any determination as to
regional need for C/T Scanners, the Maryland Health Planning
and Development Agency shall not take into consideration any
C/T Scanner which has not received a Certificate of Need;
and be it further

RESOLVED, That the standards for the issuance of a
Certificate of Need for the acquisition of a computerized
tomographic C/T Scanner should permit any health care
facility which has at least 300 licensed beds, an emergency


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Session Laws, 1980
Volume 739, Page 3325   View pdf image
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