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Session Laws, 1980
Volume 739, Page 3323   View pdf image
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WHEREAS, Misinformation regarding arthritis and the
lack of public education have contributed to apathy and
neglect of the rheumatic diseases; and

WHEREAS, Arthritis sufferers are the most exploited of
all victims of disease often exploited, spending an
estimated $950,000,000 a year nationally on worthless
remedies, treatments, and devices; and

WHEREAS, The problem of arthritis is complicated by the
fact that if the State's 583,000 citizens with arthritis
were to seek early diagnosis, effective treatment and
appropriate support services, they would have difficulty
entering the health care system at the most appropriate time
and place to receive specialized services the health care
system at this time would be unable to provide such
services; and

WHEREAS, Present estimates indicate that 70 percent of
the primary care physicians in practice have had little

exposure to training in reheumatic disease care and

management, and few schools training health professionals
devote specific curricula to the care of individuals with
arthritis; and

WHEREAS, The complications of arthritis may lead to
loss of employment, expensive medical care, a need for
economic assistance, and social problems by role changes
within families; and

WHEREAS, More important for the individual patient, the
expenses are incalculable; and

WHEREAS, There is no way to estimate the price of a
lifetime of frustration, the intolerable pain, the
crippling, the inability to hold or find a job, or the
impossibilities of maintaining a satisfying family life;
now, therefore, be it

Governor is requested to appoint a task force on arthritis
in order to identify the health, social, educational, and
economic needs of the State's citizens suffering from
arthritis and related diseases, to assess the economic
impact resulting from arthritis with regard to the public
and private sectors of the State, and to ascertain the most
cost effective means to meet the existing needs; and be it

RESOLVED, The task force shall be charged with
determining how the various State agencies of government
might work together and with the private sector to utilize
existing resources and capabilities to meet those needs; and
be it further

RESOLVED, That the task force be composed of the
following members: one member of the Senate of Maryland,


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Session Laws, 1980
Volume 739, Page 3323   View pdf image
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