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Session Laws, 1980
Volume 739, Page 3321   View pdf image
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were reduced or increased by a certain percent; and
requesting each agency to submit a statistical summary
of certain programs with that agency's budget request.

WHEREAS, All State agencies participated in the
alternative level budgeting in 1977, 1978, and 1979 pursuant
to Joint Resolutions passed by the General Assembly; and

WHEREAS, Many agencies responded to the requirement for
proposing budget reductions by simply listing the items in
their budgets which represented increases over the previous
year's budget, or agency-wide reductions which were patently
infeasible, or made other proposals which did not indicate
a serious effort to identify lowest and highest priorities
from a managerial and policymaking perspective; and

WHEREAS, Some agencies made thoughtful, well-structured
recommendations which were in fact implemented during the
budget process; and

WHEREAS, The need for critical examination by the
Executive and the General Assembly of existing State
programs continues, and indeed is growing; now, therefore,
be it

Governor is requested to submit to the General Assembly as
part of each Executive Plan a detailed list, with detailed
justification and impact analysis, from each agency, of the
programs and positions which it would elect to eliminate,
reduce, increase, or add if its budget were:

(1)  Reduced in operating administrative and
formula-funded components by approximately 5 percent of the
amount appropriated for Fiscal Year 1981;

(2)  Increased by approximately 5 percent of the
amount appropriated for Fiscal Year 1981.

The submissions should represent department or
agency-wide priorities, indicating which specific programs
or elements are least or most effective, as the case may be,
and should avoid simplistic across-the-board cuts, function
transfers, and other responses which avoid discussion of the
merits of particular agency activities. Submissions may
recommend that particular activities be phased out, or in,
over a longer period of time than 1 fiscal year; and be it

RESOLVED, That each agency is further requested to
submit at the time that agency budget requests are submitted
to the Department of Budget and Fiscal Planning a concise
statistical summary of each program recommended for deletion
or addition, including where appropriate the following

(1) Measures of program output and cost such as:


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Session Laws, 1980
Volume 739, Page 3321   View pdf image
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