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Session Laws, 1980
Volume 739, Page 3320   View pdf image
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WHEREAS, It has become apparent that the police in this
State are unable to protect the citizens of Maryland alone;

WHEREAS, The law enforcement agencies have repeatedly
asked citizens for help and cooperation in deterring crime
and apprehending criminals; and

WHEREAS, The need exists for a statewide innovative
approach to solve felony crimes which involves the
coordinated efforts of the community, the mass media, and
the police; and

WHEREAS, Several counties in this State have initiated
and adopted a very successful Crime Solvers Program to
gather information and evidence to solve felony crimes and
assist in the capture of wanted persons; now, therefore, be

Governor is urged to appoint a Commission to consider the
adoption of a Crime Solvers Program in each of the counties
and Baltimore City with a view towards aiding in solving
felony crimes throughout the State; and be it further

RESOLVED, That the Commission should consist of 12
members: three members of the Senate of Maryland; three
members of the House of Delegates of Maryland; and six
members of the general public who are residents in the State
of Maryland; and be it further

RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution be forwarded
to the Honorable Harry Hughes, Governor of Maryland;
Alexander Sledge, Chairman of Crime Solvers; Officers George
C. Heinrich and George R. Ludington; Bernard D. Crooke,
Jr., Chief of Police, Department of Police, Montgomery
County, 350 Research Blvd., Rockville, Maryland 20850; and
the Honorable C. W. Gilchrist, County Executive, Rockville,
Maryland 20850.

Signed May 6, 1980.

No. 28

(House Joint Resolution No. 119)

A House Joint Resolution concerning

Alternative Level Budget Submissions

FOR the purpose of requesting the Governor to submit with
the Executive Plan for Fiscal Year 1982 a detailed list
from each agency of the programs, positions, and costs
which it would elect to cut or increase if its budget


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Session Laws, 1980
Volume 739, Page 3320   View pdf image
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