RESOLVED, That the Environmental Matters Committee of
the House of Delegates provide staff support to this
committee; and be it further
RESOLVED, That this committee report its findings to
the General Assembly by December 1, 1980; and be it further
RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution be sent to the
Honorable James Clark, Jr., President of the Senate of
Maryland, the Honorable Benjamin Cardin, Speaker of the
House of Delegates, James B. Coulter, Secretary of Natural
Resources, Tawes Office Building, Annapolis, Maryland 21401,
Wayne Cawley, Jr., Secretary of Agriculture, Parole Plaza
Office Building, Annapolis, Maryland 21401, Maryland
Division of the Izaak Walton League of America Maryland
Chapter, 1800 North Kent, Arlington, Virginia 22201 , 6700
Needwood Road, Derwood, Maryland 20855, U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior, Washington,
D.C., North American Waterfowlers Association, Ocean City,
Maryland 21842, Ducks Unlimited, Inc., Governor Grayson
Manor, Queenstown, Maryland 21634, and Dorchester County
Hunters and Trappers, c/o Ladd Johnson, 6 Queen Anne Avenue,
Cambridge, Maryland 21613.
Signed May 6, 1980.
No. 27
(House Joint Resolution No. 116)
A House Joint Resolution concerning
Crime Solvers
FOR the purpose of urging the Governor to appoint a
commission to consider the adoption of a Crime Solvers
Program throughout the State to gather information and
evidence to solve felony crimes and assist in the
capture of wanted persons.
WHEREAS, The number of felony crimes are increasing
each year at an alarming rate; and
WHEREAS, The climbing crime rate is not an isolated
community problem, but rather a statewide threat to society;
WHEREAS, Despite the best efforts of the police
departments throughout this State, criminals continue to
commit felonys almost at will, and most of these criminals
remain free to strike out against society again and again;