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Session Laws, 1980
Volume 739, Page 3318   View pdf image
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2. The Secretary shall report to the General Assembly,
by September December 1, 1980, every nonbudgeted fund
account, the fiscal activity of that account, and the
justification for that account not being included in the
annual State budget; and, be it further

RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution be sent to the
Honorable Louis L. Goldstein, Comptroller of the Treasury;
and the Honorable Thomas W. Schmidt, Secretary of Budget and
Fiscal Planning.

Signed May 6, 1980.

No. 26

(House Joint Resolution No. 112)

A House Joint Resolution concerning

Migratory Wildfowl Feeding Program

FOR the purpose of requesting the Secretary of Natural
Resources to appoint a committee to study a migratory
wildfowl feeding program in this State.

WHEREAS, Migratory wildfowl are an important natural
resource of this State; and

WHEREAS, Migratory wildfowl occasionally destroy crops
in this State in their search for food; and

WHEREAS, This State had a migratory wildfowl feeding
program in the past; and

WHEREAS, To relieve crop depredations, this State
should feed migratory wildfowl in a way similar to feeding
programs in other states; now, therefore, be it

Secretary of Natural Resources is requested to appoint a
committee to study the reinstitution of a migratory wildfowl
feeding program in this State; and be it further

RESOLVED, That this committee should consist of one
Senator, one Delegate, the a representative of the Secretary
of Natural Resources, the Secretary of Agriculture, the
Maryland Division of the Izaak Walton League of America,
Ducks Unlimited, and the Dorchester County Hunters and
Trappers, North American Waterfowlers Association, and the
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and five members from the
public interested in conservation "or hunting who are not
members of the other groups represented on this committee;
and be it further


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Session Laws, 1980
Volume 739, Page 3318   View pdf image
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