WHEREAS, Owners of these horses have complained of the
conditions of the track, stables, and living quarters for
the employees; and
WHEREAS, There has been active interest and frequent
controversy over the years concerning the total
availability, quality, and allocation of stall space at
licensed racetrack facilities in the State; and
WHEREAS, Nearby Frederick in Hanover, Pennsylvania lies
the nation's biggest and best largest and finest quality
standardbred horse and harness training center at Hanover
Shoe Farm; and
WHEREAS, With competition so keen at Hanover, it is
necessary for the "overflow" there to train somewhere close
like Frederick, Maryland; and
WHEREAS, Without funds to improve the harness horse
training center at Frederick, the economic well-being of one
of the traditionally popular sports of this area will be in
trouble; now, therefore, be it
Legislative Policy Committee is requested to establish a
commission to study the feasibility of obtaining funds for
Senate Committee on Finance and the House Committee on Ways
and Means are urged to include, as part of their interim
joint study of the racing industry, the feasibility of
improving and expanding the harness racing training center
in Frederick, Maryland; and be it further
RESOLVED, That the commission shall be composed of one
member of the Agricultural Society Board of Frederick; one
member of the Harness Racing Commission; one member of the
Frederick City Administration; one member of the Frederick
County Commissioners; one member of the Maryland House of
Delegates; one member of the Maryland State Senate; one
member of the Department of Agriculture; and one member of
the Department of State Planning; and be it further
RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution be sent to the
Honorable Benjamin L. Cardin, Speaker; the Honorable James
Clark, Jr., President; the Honorable Harry Hughes, Governor;
the Agricultural Society Board of Frederick, E. Patrick
St., Frederick, Maryland 21701; the Harness Racing
Commission, 701 St. Paul St., Baltimore, Maryland 21202 Mr.
James Callahan, Executive Secretary, Maryland Racing
Commission, 231 E. Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Maryland
21201; the Frederick City Administration, City Hall, N.
Market St., Frederick, Maryland 21701; and the Frederick
County Commissioners, Winchester Hall, Frederick, Maryland
21701;. the Department of Agriculture, Parole Plaza Office
Building, Annapolis, Maryland 21401; and the Department of
State Planning, 301 W. Preston St., Baltimore, Maryland