planning these programs, which assure compliance with
community needs and desires; and
WHEREAS, Park and recreation volunteers have broadened
the park and recreation perspective through extraordinary
vision and foresight, which promote and stimulate community
pride; and
WHEREAS, Park and recreation volunteers have
contributed countless hours of time and effort to foster
leisure services; now, therefore, be it
General Assembly of this State recognizes the efforts of
park and recreation volunteers in this State and commends
them for their perseverance and commitment to the field of
leisure services; and be it further
RESOLVED, That the General Assembly requests the
Governor of this State to proclaim the week of June 1
through 7, 1980 as "Maryland Park and Recreation Volunteers
Appreciation Week" in recognition of the dedicated service
of park and recreation volunteers to their fellow citizens
of this State; and be it further
RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution be sent to the
Honorable Harry Hughes, Governor of Maryland; the Honorable
James Clark, Jr., President of the Senate of Maryland; the
Honorable Benjamin L. Cardin, Speaker of the House of
Delegates; and James B. Coulter, Secretary of Natural
Resources, Tawes State Office Building, Annapolis, Maryland
Signed April 22, 1980.
No. 17
(Senate Joint Resolution No. 34)
A Senate Joint Resolution concerning
Governor's Commission on Welfare Grants
FOR the purpose of requesting the Governor to recognize the
findings of the Governor's Commission on Welfare Grants
as a realistic statement of the funds needed by
individuals and families for a minimally decent life;
and requesting the Governor to use the findings as a
basis for determining the budget for the various public
assistance programs.
WHEREAS, The Governor's Commission on Welfare Grants,
composed of nine independent citizens of Maryland, including
two members of the House of Delegates and two members of the