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Session Laws, 1980
Volume 739, Page 2030   View pdf image
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Ch. 561

Maryland Commission on Mining Laws, ] the Land Reclamation
Committee, and the Maryland Energy Office[.];

(9) The Maryland Geological Survey;

(10.) The Maryland Geological Survey Commission;

(11)  The Maryland State Board of Well Drillers;

(12)  The Scenic River Review Board;

(13)  The Upper Potomac River Commission;
(1.4) The Maryland Environmental Trust;

(15)  The Maryland Membership Unit of the
Interstate Commission of the Potomac River Basin;

(16)  The Maryland Membership Unit of the
Susquehanna River Basin Commission;

(17)  The Maryland Membership Unit of the
Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission;

(18)  The Maryland Membership Unit of the Potomac
River Fisheries Commission;

(19)  Maryland Membership Unit of the Interstate
Oil and Gas Compact Commission;

(20)  Maryland Membership Unit of the Interstate
Mining Commission; and

(21)  The Tidewater Administration, which shall
include the Coastal Zone Management Program.


(a) Upon the recommendation of the Director of the
Bureau, concurred in by the Secretary, the Governor shall
appoint two persons, one a miner and the other an operator,
who with the director shall constitute an Examining Board.
The director shall be chairman, ex officio. Each appointed
miner and operator shall: (1) be a citizen of the United
States and a resident of the State; (2) be 18 years old or
older; (3) have at least five years' practical experience in
the coal mining industry; and (4) be a person of integrity
and known intelligence, who has knowledge of this
occupation. A member serves at the pleasure of the Governor
and shall remain in office until his successor is appointed
and qualifies. The Board shall have the office room, meeting
space, equipment, stenographic and other assistance,
supplies, and facilities that the Secretary approves.
Employees of the Board shall be selected in accordance with
the rules of the State Department of Personnel. Each
appointed miner and operator member shall receive
compensation as provided in the State budget and shall be
reimbursed for actual expenses.


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Session Laws, 1980
Volume 739, Page 2030   View pdf image
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