Council President and the State's Attorney; and to provide
for annual adjustments thereto.
Approved July 10, 1978.
Bill No. 11-78
Chapter No. 40
AN EMERGENCY ACT to amend Chapter 22, title "Fire
Safety Code" of the Montgomery County Code, 1972, as
amended, to repeal and reenact, with amendments, Section
22—96, title "Smoke Detectors", to provide for the proper
location of smoke detectors in occupied areas; to authorize
the Director to grant certain exceptions and to allow those
smoke detectors installed prior to the effective date of
these amendments to be in compliance with the law and to
require that the grantor at change of occupancy provide that
all smoke detectors required by this Section be in proper
working condition; to amend Chapter 26, title "Housing
Standards" of the Montgomery County Code, 1972, as amended,
to repeal and reenact, with amendments, Section 26—21 title
"Smoke Detectors" to provide for the proper location of
smoke detectors in occupied areas; to authorize the Director
to grant certain exceptions and to allow those smoke
detectors installed prior to the effective date of these
amendments to be in compliance with the law; and to require
that the grantor at change of occupancy provide that all
smoke detectors required by this Section be in proper
working conditions.
Approved April 20, 1978.
Bill No. 18-78
Chapter No. 41
AN EMERGENCY ACT to amend Section 21-13, title
"Generally" of Article III, title "Fire Tax Districts" of
Chapter 21, title "Fire and Rescue Services" of the
Montgomery County Code, 1972, as amended, to adopt new fire
tax district boundaries for the consolidated and individual
fire tax districts as the result of the opening of three new
fire stations and to describe and outline those boundaries
and the areas comprising the consolidated and individual
fire tax districts on a map attached hereto and maintained
in the offices of the Supervisor of Assessments of the
County and the Secretary of the Fire Board.
Approved April 26, 1978.